Satoki Tsuichihara, Ph. D in Humanoid Robotics

satoki-t [ at ]

Senior Assistant Professor

IRLab in University of Fukui

Academic Degree

2018. 6 : Doctor of Engineering
Robotics Lab. (Supervisor: Prof. Tsukasa Ogasawara)
Graduate school of Information Science,
Nara Institute of Science Technology.
2013. 3 : Master of Engineering
Robotics Lab. (Supervisor: Prof. Tsukasa Ogasawara)
Graduate school of Information Science,
Nara Institute of Science Technology.
2011. 3 : Bachelor of Engineering
Intelligent Robotics Lab. (Supervisor: Prof. Tsuneo Yoshikawa)
Department of Human & Computer Intelligence, Faculty of Information Science,
Ritsumeikan University.

Employment History

  1. 2023. 4~(present) : University of Fukui, Department of Human and Artificial Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering, Senior Assistant Professor
  2. 2020. 3~ 2023. 3 : University of Fukui, Department of Human and Artificial Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering, Assistant Professor
  3. 2018. 6~ 2020. 2 : Tokyo University of Science, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Post-doctoral Researcher
  4. 2018. 4~6 : Tokyo University of Science, Research institute for Science and Technology, Researcher
  5. 2016. 4~9 : Nursing School in Nara Prefecture General Medical Center, Part-time lecturer, Basic Science field, Statistics
  6. 2015. 4~9 : Nursing School in Nara Prefecture General Medical Center, Part-time lecturer, Basic Science field, Statistics
  7. 2014. 4~9 : Nursing School in Nara Prefectural Nara Hospital, Part-time lecturer, Basic Science field, Statistics
  8. 2013. 4~9 : Nursing School in Nara Prefectural Nara Hospital, Part-time lecturer, Basic Science field, Statistics


2019. 3 : Best presentation award for young researcher
for Satoki Tsuichihara, Shingo Akita, Reiichirou Ike, Hiroshi Takemura, Kazumasa Shindou, Yasuyuki Ide, Shigeki Tejima:
Deep-learning based image segmentation for broad-leaved weeds and proposal map for fertilization,
the 75th Japanese Society of Grassland Scienece conference.
[Link, Link]
2019. 3 : Excellent presentation award
for Satoki Tsuichihara, Hiroshi Takemura, Takahiro Natori, Naoyuki Aikawa, Kazumasa Shindou, Shigeki Tejima, Toshihiro Ichijo:
Cows and Meadows Management Using Drone and GPS sensors,
the 19th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference.

Selected Papers

  1. Yuya Hakamata, Satoki Tsuichihara, Gustavo Alfonso Garcia Ricardez, Jun Takamatsu, and Tsukasa Ogasawara,
    Pushing and pulling motion generation for humanoid robots using whole body momentum control based on analytical inverse kinematics,
    Advanced Robotics, Vol. 34, No. 21-22, pp. 1442-1454, 2020.

    [Advanced Robotics][bibtex]

  2. Satoki Tsuichihara, Yuya Hakamata, Gustavo Alfonso Garcia Ricardez, Jun Takamatsu, and Tsukasa Ogasawara,
    Real-time whole-body motion generation using torso posture regression and center of mass,
    ROBOMECH Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-13, 2018.
    [Robomech Journal][bibtex]
  3. Satoki Tsuichihara, Shingo Akita, Reiichirou Ike, Masahiro Shigeta, Hiroshi Takemura, Takahiro Natori, Naoyuki Aikawa, Kazumasa Shindo, Yasuyuki Ide, and Shigeki Tejima,
    Drone and GPS sensors-based grassland management using deep-learning image segmentation,
    In Proceedings of the third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC2019), pp. 608-611, Naples, Italy, Feb 27 2019 (Oral presentation).

    [Research gate][bibtex]

Invited Talks / Seminar

  1. “Real-time whole-body motion generation using torso posture regression and center of mass,” Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany, March 1, 2019.
  2. “Real-time whole-body motion generation using torso posture regression and center of mass,” Technical University of Munich, München, Germany, February 28, 2019. [Link]
  3. “Using a Weighted Pseudo-Inverse Matrix to Generate Upper Body Motions for a Humanoid Robot Doing Household Tasks,” Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, March 18, 2016.
  4. “Using a Weighted Pseudo-Inverse Matrix to Generate Upper Body Motions for a Humanoid Robot Doing Household Tasks,” LIRMM (Le Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier) / University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France, March 16, 2016.

Academic Activity

  1. The Robotics Society of Japan

Social Activity

  1. 2021. 10. 26 : 第3回NAIST同窓生講演会~博士OB・OGから学ぶキャリアデザイン~ (Link)
  2. 2015. 6. 13 :The 71th NAIST Science School: “Robot Footrace”, Lecturer.
  3. 2015. 2. 7 : けいはんな科学体験フェスティバル 取りまとめ 「3Dプリンタで作る最新の義手にさわってみよう&重い?軽い?ショッカクのサッカクを感じてみよう」 (Link)
  4. 2014. 6. 14 :The 63th NAIST Science School: “Robot Footrace”, Lecturer.
  5. 2013. 4. 13 : The 53th NAIST Science School: “Robot Footrace”, Lecturer.
  6. 2013. 8. 31~9. 2 : The 19th Emergent System Symposium, workshop 4 in the summer school “Lectures and Exercises of Cyborg technologies ~Robot control based on the EMG signals~” Student staff (Link)


  1. KCN family channel : Lovely town Ikoma, March 15, 2016. (Youtube)
